Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Joseph’s early campaign

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Given that the next Big Brother 26 eviction show is happening in 48 hours, doesn’t it feel as though people should be fighting hard?

Well, in some ways you can argue that what you are seeing here is a microcosm of certain games. Kimo, for example, seems like an incredibly nice person but someone will little to no strategic game outside of his alliance with T’kor. With that, the most “campaigning” that he’s done on the block this week is hanging out and being social. Rubina has had a few small conversations, but nothing more substantial. Shouldn’t both of them have a greater sense of urgency?

This is where we give Joseph credit. In the past 24 hours since being on the block he’s swallowed his pride, campaigned to Angela, checked in with Head of Household Quinn, and also understood where Leah’s head is at. Now, he has also campaigned to Cam, who seems to be cool with keeping him. We wouldn’t be too worried about his vote, since Cam / Chelsie both should want to make sure that Kimo, T’kor, and Rubina do not continue to be a three-person block.

The more important priority right now needs to be making 100% sure that he has Makensy and Leah since if he does, he should be fine for the week. There will be seven people voting this week once someone comes off the block Thursday, so four is the magic number that he needs to hit. He’s conscious of some of his social miscues, but may not fully understand how much his arrogance rubbed people the wrong way. Makensy in particular may feel so turned-off by saying that he’s not worried about her as a strategist to want to support him.

Now, can Rubina and Kimo do something to spice up the day a little?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother right now, including our update from earlier today

What do you think Joseph can say in Big Brother 26 to convince people to keep him?

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