House of the Dragon season 3 premiere date: September update

What are the chances that we hear something more about a House of the Dragon season 3 premiere date this month? Is there any chance of it at all?
Well, let’s just say that this is one of those situations where we don’t have to be cryptic at all. At this point, it feels like there’s almost a zero-percent chance something more is going to be revealed here. The second season just ended! The HBO show is going to be entering some dark days for the near future and the only thing we can say is this: We hope that you’re prepared! It’s going to be a long wait to get from point A to point B here…
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Now, here is what we can say at the moment: Pre-production on the next batch of episodes is currently slated to start up later this year, with the plan being for production to start up moving into early next year. Given that the network has another Game of Thrones prequel in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms coming in 2025, they likely don’t feel any pressure to release season 3 of this particular series until 2026.
As for what the third season is going to look like…
Well, for now it feels like the top story here is going to be bringing forth the Battle of the Gullet, which is one of the most famous sequences that you see throughout all of the book Fire & Blood. We anticipate a lot of violence, more deaths, and maybe even a few new faces as well. Just remember for a moment here that we’re going to have a chance to see potentially Daeron on-screen for the first time!
What do you most want to see moving into a House of the Dragon season 3?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.