Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony fallout (day 49)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

The Veto Ceremony happened earlier today within the Big Brother 26 house, and let’s just say there are some strong feelings on it after the fact.

So what happened? Well, if you missed it, Leah decided (without really telling a lot of people in advance) that she wanted to use the Veto on Angela, ensuring that she made it to jury. Quinn then nominated Joseph as the replacement nominee. Joseph was certainly upset after the fact, and also felt like there was major egg on his face after telling Angela over the weekend that her game was basically cooked and nobody wanted her around. (Ironically, he had to go back to Angela today to campaign, noting that the irony was not lost on him.)

Joseph is certainly in his feelings and somewhat negative about his place in the game, largely due to the fact that he’s such a big fan and knows that blindside replacement-nominations are often bad news. However, Quinn has already told Rubina that he does not want Joseph to go, which suggests that Kimo could be a personal target for him. (Honestly, though, he’d be fine losing Rubina, either — he just didn’t want to anger everyone who voted for Tucker to leave.)

Meanwhile, Quinn has already noted that he wasn’t thrilled by what Leah did, but more than anything he’s just annoyed Angela is still there. He’ll get over that fast, though, given that Leah has him wrapped around her finger. Also, Joseph isn’t that mad at her either, given that she’s said that this wasn’t about him going up. She has also suggested to some players that this is proof she doesn’t just go along with Quinn’s plans, and she’s tried to earn favor with the women in the house by playing up an empowerment angle.

As of this writing, Leah is also playing dumb to Quinn by saying that it’s her fault for not thinking about the ramifications. She wants to sound guilty, even if she is not.

Related Be sure to get more discussion on the Veto Ceremony from earlier

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