Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The veto dilemma continues

We’re now into the afternoon of day 48 within the Big Brother 26 house, but do we have a better sense of what will happen with the Veto? Hardly.
For the time being, let’s just remind you that Leah won her first competition of the season and if she were another player, we’d probably consider her post-Veto antics ridiculous. She slept with the necklace still on! Because it is her (someone who has not won before and has at times been overlooked in the game), it’s mostly perceived as silly. She can’t name a replacement nominee but over the past 24 hours, she’s almost felt like a co-HoH alongside Quinn with how much time she’s spent in his room. (Also, she deserves a standing ovation for the amount of patience she’s had while he awkwardly tries and fails to hit on her.)
Today, Leah has continued to make it clear that she would like to use the Veto on Angela so clearly, she has no real fear about alienating herself with other players. The problem here still remains not knowing who the replacement nominee would be. He has talked about making people draw Skittles, which would be incredibly annoying to the people in the game. Joseph has been mentioned here and there, but we don’t think Quinn necessarily wants him gone right now. Rubina would likely become the target if Angela is taken down, so consider that, as well.
As for what else is going on today, we’ve seen Kimo actively try to step up his social game after being encouraged to do so. He does not really have many bonds beyond T’kor and Rubina, and that is something that will need to change.
(We should note that even throughout the day, pretty much everyone in the house continues to praise T’kor. She is a huge social threat at the end of the season.)
Related – Check out our earlier Big Brother 26 live-feed update now
What do you think should happen with the Power of Veto today in Big Brother 26?
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