Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Will Leah use the Veto?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Earlier today, Leah won the Power of Veto Competition within Big Brother 26, and of course this leads to a number of other questions. Take, for starters, whether or not she is going to use it.

So far this afternoon, let’s just say that this all remains a mystery to a certain extent … though we’ve also gotten a chance to pick Leah’s brain a little bit. We think that she wants to use the Veto on Angela, as she believes that keeping her is good for her game. She knows that Angela is not coming after her and is not a threat. The people she is most worried about (at least per a conversation with Quinn) are Kimo and Cam. However, getting one of them out this week feels almost impossible. Rubina would get voted out before either of them if she stays on the block!

Ultimately, we get the feeling that neither Quinn nor Makensy (who also talked with her) want the Veto used and with that in mind, we tend to think that it won’t be. While we do think that Leah could convince Quinn to do almost anything she wanted, she risks burning trust with a lot of other people. Also, there is a risk that Joseph would become a replacement nominee and Leah / Joseph have a final two.

It is still early, though, and Leah does still seem to be keeping her cards close to her vest. She plans on having conversations throughout the weekend and through those, she should be able to figure out more of what she actually wants when it comes to the ceremony on Monday night.

The person that Leah should probably target is Chelsie, mostly because she’s the best player in the house and has formed a lot of alliances with other people. That doesn’t mean it will happen.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including some other updates on the Veto from earlier

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