Sunny season 1 episode 10 video: The Setsubun festival

Sunny season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

As some of you may be familiar already, Sunny season 1 episode 10 next week is going to be the big finale, and there is a lot to pay off. Take, for starters, how much Suzie will find out about the journey through Sunny’s mind. Or, whether or not Masa is ever going to be found.

Based on a lot of indications that are out there, you are going to see a cliffhanger at the end of the story — but before getting more into that, why not talk Setsubun for a moment?

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For those who have not heard of this before, Setsubun is a festival that happens right before spring, with the purpose being, in part, to drive away demons and bring about good fortune. There are masks and traditions associated with the event, and one of the things that does make this show rather great is that it does not shy away from Japanese culture, even if Americans may not be familiar with every in and out of it.

If you head over to Broadway World now, you can see a sneak peek for the upcoming finale that puts the festival front of mind, where you learn a little bit about it and what it means to communities across the country.

Now that we’ve said all of this, we do think there’s another fascinating question to consider: How does all of this actually fit in with the rest of the story? There are still SO many mysteries still in regards to what is going on, and these are ones that date all the way back to the end of episode 8. If you recall, that episode concluded with Suzie seeing her son Zen but since that time, we’ve never actually seen the two of them together.

Related Get more news regarding Sunny, including what else you can expect moving forward and if there is a cliffhanger coming

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