Big Brother 26: Is Tucker set for Survivor, Amazing Race, Traitors?

We recognize that Tucker Des Lauriers has only been gone from Big Brother 26 for a matter of moments, but let’s be clear: His reality TV reign is far from over. This is a guy who has to be easily one of the best castings the series has had in years, and when it comes to pure chaos, brought more to 45 days than a lot of players do in 100.
Did he deserve to win? Hardly. He made a ton of mistakes, and was ultimately doomed by a few different things. He should not have volunteered to be a pawn, he had two chances to earn safety, and he also made himself a huge target with his showmance antics and failed to really maintain relationships with Leah and Makensy. He has no one to blame for himself but when it comes to his reality TV future, that won’t matter. CBS knows they have a potential hit with him.
When you consider all of this, we tend to think that all three shows on the network that generate headlines are going to want him. If Big Brother brings back returning players soon, it’s a lock he’ll be a part of it. If they do Reindeer Games, 100% he’ll be asked. He and Rubina could be great on The Amazing Race, and he even feels like a solid person for Survivor.
Now, we know that there will also be demand to see him on The Challenge, given his aptitude for physical competitions; however, we honestly don’t want to see him go off into that world just yet. We do think the CBS shows would get top billing for him. Meanwhile, it could be a while for The Traitors since that’s a different network / corporation and his talent hold for CBS would need to be expire.
If you love Tucker, just know this — you are going to see a lot more of him.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including the eviction tonight
What show, after Big Brother 26, do you think Tucker will be on next?
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