Dancing with the Stars 33 schedule shifts amidst debates

As many of you know, the Dancing with the Stars 33 premiere is going to be coming to ABC in just over two weeks, and it should air over the course of the fall. However, there will be a few small changes here and there when it comes to the schedule.
So, what can we note here specifically? Let’s just say that it goes a little something like this: According to a new report coming in right now via Deadline, the episode currently scheduled for Tuesday, October 1 is being moved to Monday, October 7. The reason for this is tied to the Vice Presidential debate that is currently scheduled for the 1st. A lot of other networks already have made moves to accommodate the change, so it only made sense that the ballroom competition did the same thing.
Now, the big challenge that will come during the season for this is rather simple: You are going to be seeing a two-hour event now happen on October 7 as well as the following night, meaning that all of the contestants will have to remember a lot of routines and be ready to perform on back-to-back occasions. If nothing else, at least this is far enough into the season that there is less to worry about when it comes to contestants not being ready for it physically; they should all be reasonably trained by that point, especially when you consider the fact that rehearsals should be starting off around now with a lot of the contestants who are actually going to be a part of the show this season.
Yes, there are rumors aplenty about who is going to be taking part, but the plan is for the full cast reveal to happen on September 4.
Who do you most want to see be a part of Dancing with the Stars season 33?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.