Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: AI Instigator strategy (day 43)

We’ve got another Big Brother 26 update for late this afternoon, though this one does go somewhat off the beaten path.
Is Tucker flopping with the AI Instigator twist? Well, we honestly think that he felt so bad over the Rubina one early on that he’s been hesitant to do anything too horrible ever since — and we get it. This is an empathetic person even if he has some self-serving moments, but we actually think what he is doing now is both hilarious and kind of smart.
This afternoon, Tucker decided to use a fake AI Makensy to inform the house of some random facts about a purple horse jumping over an orange cat. This is after he used a fake version of Leah to read off a list of food she needed to make dinner. He’s trying to make people study these so that they waste time on a future competition that never happens. Some people are already well-aware of this, but are they really going to ignore it? At least it’s offering something for what is otherwise a fairly quiet day.
(We should note that even if Tucker was terrible, we’d still give him the $20,000 — why are we going to be precious to protect the money of a major corporation?)
As for what is on the docket tonight, there’s a ladies’ night taking place, which has actually been planned on and off for days. It could make for a fun moment on the show; or, it could make the men think that there could be a possible alliance being formed. This feels like the sort of thing that would easily make paranoia run rampant. Ironically, there has been paranoia about an alliance with the guys for the past few weeks!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including a few other details from the feeds
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