Orphan Black: Echoes season 2: Could Tatiana Maslany appear?

The first thing we should say within this Orphan Black: Echoes piece is pretty clear: There is no official season 2 as of now. Is there hope? Absolutely, but we are admittedly nervous, given that the new series felt like it was somewhat under-the-radar during most of its summer airings on AMC.
(What’s the reason for that? If we had to wager a guess here, it would be that the show suffered in part due to a weird scheduling decision — the first batch of episodes aired months ago in other parts of the world. That, of course, led to spoilers being online early.)
Now, provided that there IS another season coming down the road to the cable network, the biggest question we have is quite simple: Is there any chance at all that Tatiana Maslany could turn up as one of her signature clones? There was of course a hope she could turn up in season 1, but that never came to pass. Luckily, in a new interview with TVLine, here is what creator Anna Fishko had to say:
We’d still love to have Tatiana come back. If we could bring one of the original sister clones back, I think that would be fun and we’d love to do it. So maybe in a second season, the stars would align in terms of scheduling. That would be really great.
Odds are, a decision on another season will be made over the course of the next few months. We know there are a lot of factors that will need to be determined, but cost and/or ratings will be the primary ones. AMC does tend to support franchises (we’re seeing that all across the board right now), but it remains to be seen if that will be enough.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Orphan Black: Echoes right now
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.