Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Does Tucker want to leave?

Following the Veto Ceremony today in the Big Brother 26 house, we expected that there would be fallout. However, we did not expect the level of absolutely bonkers emotional stuff all across the board. Take, for example, Tucker getting in his feelings and throwing himself a massive pity party.
Does he really want to leave the game? Probably not. Is he just mad that he didn’t get his way and get Leah on the block? That’s a big part of it, and he’s not used to someone ignoring his suggestions like T’kor did as Head of Household. (She nominated Angela, and now either she, Makensy, or Tucker will leave later in the week.)
Realistically, what we are seeing here is Tucker going through his emotions and having zero filter. He misses his dog and is frustrated that he feels like he did a lot for T’kor (including offering up himself as a pawn and letting her have the $5,000) only for those things to not be reciprocated. Some people have tried to calm him down from the idea that he could throw the AI Arena and leave the game. Our prediction? He’ll be better tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Angela remains upset and is blaming Quinn left and right for being nominated. Meanwhile, T’kor is emotional and off in bed while Rubina tries to calm her down. Rubina’s taking the “I see all sides approach,” saying that T’kor has the right to play the game her way but she also understands Tucker’s point of view. She encouraged them to talk things out later and that everything will be okay. (For now, we do think T’kor made the wrong choice as HoH being that Leah is a much bigger social threat, mostly because she has so much pull over several guys.)
There are a few days until eviction, so we will see what happens…
Related – See more of the initial thoughts after the Big Brother 26 nomination ceremony
Do you think that Tucker could actually leave Big Brother 26 after this week?
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