Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony preview, week 6

The next Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony is coming tomorrow, so what exactly is it that you can expect? Is the picture any clearer?
Well, let’s start off here by noting that everything has honestly gone exactly how we expected when it comes to having T’kor in power — namely, she cannot make up her mind in terms of what she wants to do. It seems like it is down to Angela or Leah, and she is still getting feedback. Tucker, for example, wants Leah up there, but he’s not privy to the fact that earlier, Angela told Quinn, Leah, and Makensy she wants Tucker out. (Angela may be great entertainment, but she’s also a terrible ally since she’ll flip on you for no apparent reason — Tucker saved her with a Veto earlier this season! They have a final two name!)
Anyway, we wonder if at some point tonight, Kimo will tell Tucker some of what Angela said — and we don’t actually think that T’kor wants him gone this week. If she did, why wasn’t that in the show tonight? She really explained it as wanting someone in there who can win and help control the week. He is still in danger if he does not win the AI Arena.
Ultimately, Cam is taking himself off the block and while Makensy has talked a lot today, she has done nothing to really help her game. She’s just such an easy target to take out because she does not have a ton of allies and she’s not altogether trusted. She’s spent weeks blaming the Matt situation when she has done almost nothing to correct it. It does feel like T’kor wants to finalize a decision tonight, but this could be a chaotic next few days and Tucker just has to focus on winning.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Industry right now, including Tucker’s AI Instigator blunder
What do you think is going to happen at the Veto Ceremony tomorrow in the Big Brother 26 house?
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