Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Replacement nominee roulette

As we get closer to the end of day 40 within the Big Brother 26 house, why not talk about the actual state of the game? T’kor is going to have to replacement nominee even if she doesn’t want to, and it feels on paper like she’s down to a couple of contenders.
For now, though, here is where things stand. Cam won the Veto and since it seems like he’s going to remove himself from the block — before Tucker, we wouldn’t even have to specify this. Tucker is going to be left on the block this week with Makensy, who is an easy target who wouldn’t cause too many problems if she goes.
But will she go over Tucker? Cam told Chelsie late tonight that he made a final two deal with Tucker and that he doesn’t want him out. He also seemed to suggest that T’kor was on Tucker’s target list, but it’s unclear if Tucker actually said that or if Cam’s just making assumptions. Still, Chelsie could easily use that for ammo since she 100% wants Tucker out this week if the opportunity arises. The problem is that if Cam is being genuine, then Tucker has Cam, Kimo, Angela, Rubina, and seemingly Joseph all on lock. That means he stays. The only way that changes is if Angela is on the block.
Could that happen? Well, a number of players are convinced she’s the AI Instigator, though we think that it’s either Tucker or Joseph. That’s made her more of a target, but the issue for T’kor then is that she would have nominated multiple alliance-mates and that could cause an issue. Leah is the less messy choice, and there’s a chance Leah could go over Makensy … but it’s tricky because both Quinn and Joseph have a crush on her and Cam’s said he would look out for her. She doesn’t need a lot of further support.
As for the punishments…
Well, Tucker has to read out facts he finds in various books almost as though he is the human AI dictionary. (Also, he’s wearing a unitard that seems straight out of Tron.) Meanwhile, Angela has to dispose of a thousand orbs while dressed in the backyard in a yellow hazmat suit. Joseph’s 24-hour solitary confinement is coming, but it has not started yet.
Related – See more news from Big Brother 26, including the initial aftermath of the Power of Veto Competition
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