Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto rewards, punishments

Earlier today the latest Power of Veto Competition transpired within the Big Brother 26 house — why talk more about the punishments?
Like we have seen so many times over the years, the competition today ended up having a series of good and bad things that could happen to you depending on your placement in the competition. If you missed it earlier, Cam won, which means that Tucker’s big-time Veto streak has come to an end. This raises a ton of possibilities as to what could happen from here, and of course we’re excited to dive more into that down the road.
For now, know that Tucker did well in the Veto and actually had a chance to take $5,000. However, he gave it to T’kor instead, potentially to show both his appreciation for her and also as a sign of good faith. She’s not talking in the house today as though he is the target, but we tend to think it will come up eventually. At the very least, she wouldn’t mind if he goes.
So what did Tucker get instead? Some sort of punishment, which does include a costume and then also some sort of task he has to perform. It sounds as though Angela has something, as well, that she will need to do in the backyard, whereas Joseph is going to be stuck in solitary confinement for the next 24 hours.
On the reward side, T’kor obviously has the money and Makensy has a trip to Hawaii — obviously valuable for her, but not exactly the sort of thing that is fun television.
As for the replacement nominee…
Provided that Cam does the smart thing and removes himself, it does feel as though Leah and Angela are the top two candidates. If Leah is up there, she actually becomes a bigger threat than Makensy based on her social game and powers of persuasion.
Related – See some more news now on the Big Brother 26 feeds
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