Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 6 nominations

Who was nominated this week within the Big Brother 26 house? There was actually some mystery here and honestly, that’s not something that we typically have entering this part of the week. A lot of it is just down to the feeds being down so much for whatever reason, whether it be the AI Instigator or something else.
The only thing that was 100% confirmed before the feeds went down was that Makensy was going up — also, Tucker volunteered and T’kor may want to use that to 1) not get more blood on her hands and 2) she probably wants him out but does not want to admit to it publicly.
So when the feeds came back, it was confirmed that the nominees were Makensy, Tucker, and Cam — this is what was suspected by a lot of people, but far from confirmed. T’kor did end up taking Tucker’s offer and in theory, he should be okay … but crazy things do often happen. Even if he stays on the block versus Cam, he would have potentially the support of Rubina, Angela, Joseph, and Kimo — and if that’s the case, it would be silly for T’kor to get rid of someone her own alliance wants to keep around. Quinn obviously wants Tucker out, and we imagine that Chelsie would do the same. Leah goes back and forth, but she and Makensy obviously know that he’s a bigger threat than Cam.
As for who the replacement nominee will be, we know that Rubina volunteered — however, that is when we could see Leah finally touching the block. It was clearly intentional for T’kor to put up three people who have all been nominated before, as they are all people who would be able to handle it since they have been in this particular position.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26, including the latest on the feeds
Who did you want to see nominated on the Big Brother 26 live feeds today?
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