Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Who will T’kor nominate? (day 38)

Now that we have a new Head of Household in T’kor within Big Brother 26, let’s get to the next question: What will she do?
This is honestly at this point a pretty interesting position she’s found herself in within the game, mostly in that there are safe options and also a big risk. This could be the first, truly boring week that we’ve seen in a good while. T’kor has already listed off people she considers to be safe, and it includes Kimo, Chelsie, Rubina, and to some extent Tucker. However, at the same time she wonders if Tucker would volunteer to go on the block.
Honestly, we think that T’kor would love it if Tucker left on her Head of Household since she doesn’t want him there long-term. However, she just formalized a four-person alliance with him earlier today in the Friendzzzzy, so taking him out now would be a pretty big betrayal and 100% he’d blow up her game. She’d also lose trust in Rubina and Kimo, who both want to keep Tucker around for now. That’s without even mentioning Angela and Joseph, who were also close to him.
In a separate conversation with Kimo, Tucker indicated at first that he was happy to volunteer as a pawn; however, soon after he and Kimo agreed that there are other options. Kimo doesn’t want him to go up, and this is T’kor’s #1 ally. Our feeling right now is that she will likely go with Leah, Makensy, and potentially Cam as the initial nominees, and that leaves her the option of someone like Angela as a backup, just in case. We tend to think that Makensy will end up being the target, but Cam is an easy person to get rid of because other than Chelsie, does anyone have that much loyalty to the guy at this point?
Related – See more thoughts on Brooklyn’s eviction from earlier in the Big Brother 26 house
What do you think T’kor should do as the new HoH in Big Brother 26?
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