America’s Got Talent lineup: Reid Wilson, more in live show #3

The third America’s Got Talent live show is coming on NBC on Tuesday night — so, who is going to end up hitting the stage?
Well, in rather unsurprising fashion, let’s just say that we’re going to be seeing a great combination of singers, danger acts, magicians, and a whole lot more over these two hours. While there are some favorites in here, at the same time we can’t sit here and peg one as 100% above the others.
Now, without further ado, let’s just get to the lineup…
Dee Dee Simon – Can she fare better than a few other singers as of late? Sure, some have advanced, but there have been some cuts, as well.
Jelly Boy the Clown – Danger may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but we like it!
Journeyy – Despite being nine years old, the singer delivered a pretty outstanding performance of the original “Paradise.”
Kelsey Jane – She’s a dentist … and an aerialist! Plot twist, right?
Reid Wilson – Another singer, and in this case, a Golden Buzzer recipient. All signs suggest that he’s going to be a favorite, but will he?
Maya Neelakantan – Will the guitarist be able to avoid the same, shocking fate as NiNi?
Menudo – Remember that this is the new version of the band, and not the one that launched stars so many years ago.
Sabrina – A beautiful dance group from Japan, who has historically excelled in this category. Why not do that all over again?
Sam Huang – A fantastic magician — especially the part where he made his finger disappear!
The Reklaws – A musical duo that on paper should be able to produce a lot of appeal all over the country. In this case, we think it will come back to song choice.
Learnmore Jonasi – There have not been too many top-level comedians this year, but would argue that we’ve got one here with huge potential.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent now, including the most recent results
Who are you rooting for on the third America’s Got Talent live show next week?
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