Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The ‘Friendzzzzy’ is born

Leading into tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, we now have what may officially be the most ridiculous alliance name ever. Luckily, the players involved also know how silly it is.
Earlier today, the group of Tucker, T’kor, Kimo, and Rubina officially named the “Friendzzzzy,” with the “Zs” each being tied to one of them. We do think this is a pseudo-official alliance in that they will work together for now; however, in a few weeks we could see T’kor in particular wanting to get Tucker out. We have a hard time seeing her doing that too soon, mostly because she’s one of the more passive players we’ve ever seen.
What does make her interesting to watch is that a lot of her reads can be correct. Take, for example, that it is probably better to keep Chelsie around over Cam given that Chelsie actually makes some attempts to talk game with her. However, she never really speaks up in meetings and then gets frustrated after the fact. Even Rubina today told her to speak up more! She did tell Tucker that she made an agreement with Chelsie early on to not vote her out until at least jury, and he is seemingly okay with that. We know he is pushing against Chelsie staying if it is her and Cam on the block together after the AI Arena, but it may end up being a game-time decision. Several players do want Chelsie to stay and if we were Tucker at this point, we’d just be agreeable for now since you may want them to not backdoor you soon after.
While the AI Arena twist has provided at least a reasonable amount of fun content this season, we do hope that it ends before too long. For starters, all of the scenarios could be moot depending on what happens tonight! At the very least, we tend to think it will end whenever jury starts.
Related – See more when it comes to the Big Brother 26 live feeds from overnight
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