Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The Chelsie eviction decision

Are you ready for a new Big Brother 26 eviction day? In a matter of hours, we anticipate some drama is coming! After all, for the second straight week we are entering an eviction show without 100% clarity as to what is going to happen.
For now, what we can ultimately say here is this. If Brooklyn is on the block tonight, she 100% goes and there is no questioning that. She’s just too big of an opponent to Tucker and he’s made it clear he wants her out. She’s also not so great a social player that there is a reason to try and keep her around, either. All of this stuff, at least for now, will be taken into account.
So where do things get trickier? It is in the event Brooklyn wins the AI Arena and we are left with Chelsie versus Cam. Before last night, it started to feel like Cam would go in that scenario; however, Tucker started to voice more opposition to the plan and some of T’kor’s other possible numbers here began to waver. Take, for starters, Kimo becoming concerned about upsetting the apple cart. Or, Rubina having a late-night kissing session with Tucker in his final night in the Head of Household room. She may still go against him, but it’s messy now and Leah also seems opposed to sending out Cam in this scenario.
Will all of this really matter? Well, given that Brooklyn has not won anything all season, we’re not sure why we would be confident that she would win something now. At least Chelsie has won a Head of Household and while Cam has hardly been a major threat so far, he’s at least athletic. We tend to think that Brooklyn probably goes tonight — though for Tucker’s game, ironically Chelsie may be a better person to be gone since she’s actually the far better player.
What are you hoping to see in this all-important Big Brother 26 eviction today?
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