America’s Got Talent: Musician NiNi closes second live show

Tonight on the second America’s Got Talent live show, the producers did a surprising thing in putting NiNi at the end of the show. Typically, this spot is reserved for singers or people who are perceived to be more of the conventional fan favorites.
Here, however, we had an extremely unique musician / guitarist who does a magnificent job at what she does — and also claimed that she wanted to win the show, buy Hurricane the dog, and then the two can come back and win again. (Adrian probably has something to say about this, no?)
Closing the show does come with its own fair share of expectations, but what NiNi did here was great — she managed to start out with a performance that felt a little bit more classical before steering a little bit more into a rock-centered direction. She has a blueprint of what to follow in terms of acts from the past who have been able to make a whole show about themselves and their instrument. Heck, Lindsey Stirling did it without even being close to winning.
What is interesting here is that the judges were pretty divided over what she did — Simon, for example, hated the track and thought she should have done something more anthemic. We’ll agree with him insofar as that she could have chosen a song that was far more meaningful than what she did. However, at the same time it’s hard to deny the quality of the performance, or that she brought something really special to the stage. This is where it is all going to come down to America and after the way that the results played out last week, the last thing that we want to do is make assumptions about how they will vote. They will surprise us!
Related – See now the full roster of performers from tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode
What did you think about NiNi as the final act on America’s Got Talent this season?
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