Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results, week 5

This afternoon within the Big Brother 26 house the Veto Ceremony transpired — so what did Tucker actually decide to do?
We know that over the past couple of days, he has thought about a couple of different scenarios. After all, remember that he has discussed saving Quinn only to nominate Chelsie later. Meanwhile, he also has just considering keeping the nominations the same. Brooklyn is his target at the end of the day regardless.
Ultimately, Tucker did decide to stick to his predetermined plan and as a result of that, Quinn was removed and Chelsie was nominated. Now, she is up there with Brooklyn as well as Cam. One of them will leave this week, depending on what happens with the AI Arena. We tend to think that Cam is safe regardless just because he doesn’t do much. Chelsie is an influential player, though, so we wouldn’t rule out her finding a way to gather numbers if it is her versus Cam on the block.
The biggest surprise in the aftermath of the Ceremony is Tucker calling out some alliances and Makensy being surprised that she was left out of a lot of them. Because of this, she’s now reeling and Tucker, of course, is trying to reel her in. The hilarious thing is that even within that, she does not actually know that Tucker is in good now with Kimo, T’kor, and Joseph. She thinks that she, Rubina, and Leah can work with Tucker and Angela. All of this is pretty comical, but it shows further that Tucker is going to have a hard time balancing things. If the wrong person wins HoH, his game will almost certainly be ratted out and he could be on his way out the door.
For now, he definitely deserves some credit for using his HoH reign to build trust among a select group and beyond just that, also working to ensure that his enemies are known so that if he is in danger, people know where he stands.
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