Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Joseph’s plans; T’kor’s fears

As we prepare for what will hopefully be an eventful day 34 within the Big Brother 26 house, there is quite a bit to be curious about. Take, for starters, a lot of tension over possible replacement nominees if Tucker uses the Veto.
This is where we get almost right away to T’kor. While she and Kimo are super-tight, they clearly have different aspirations as to who they want to work with. T’kor doesn’t love the idea of working with Tucker long-term, whereas Kimo is okay with it for a handful of different reasons (crush included). They both are trying to get Tucker to nominate Makensy, if he chooses to use the Veto on Quinn. We have a hard time thinking that is going to happen, given that he is trying to have Makensy as some sort of potential number. We know he’d rather put up Chelsie, and that is ultimately what we tend to think he will do.
Is this going to lead to T’kor and Kimo defecting back fully to Chelsie’s side of the house? Maybe, but even if they do they’ve already flipped once. Their trust is broken, and they are already seen as a super-tight duo within the game.
Speaking of possible duos, late last night Joseph and Leah talked around the possibility of going to the end with each other. They each have similar vibes (i.e. they like to complain about one another), and Joseph probably sees someone he can beat there. The problem he faces is finding a way to get her super-far when she does not have a lot of game relationships in the game. T’kor, meanwhile, has already figured out that her whole endgame right now is getting the men in the house to do her bidding.
Who is the target this week?
While Tucker is mad at Quinn for running around and sharing more info, it’s probably still going to be Brooklyn. Quinn has been advised to effectively sit down and be quiet, so we’ll see if that actually happens.
Related – Get some more updates on the Big Brother 26 live feeds now
What are you most excited to see from day 34 of Big Brother 26?
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