Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 5 nomination aftermath

Late this afternoon within the Big Brother 26 house, we saw Head of Household Tucker make his nominations. How is everyone reacting to the news?
Let’s start with the actual reveal that the game’s biggest competitor has put up Quinn, Brooklyn, and Cam, with the idea being that Brooklyn will be the target. He recognizes that she is far and away the best strategic and social player of the bunch, and he is far more concerned about that clearly than competition threats.
Of course, following the nominations there were hurt feelings; plus, T’kor felt guilty because she helped take out Cedric and Brooklyn felt betrayed. Her and Kimo have to be two of the worst communicators ever. They are nice people, but they have never quite figured out that in order to play the game, they actually need to figure out a way to talk to people other than just each other. Take tonight, where Quinn (in a particularly vulnerable state) gave them a perfect opportunity to talk about what Leah’s been saying about him behind his back. They said nothing. It is so frustrating, and Quinn does still feel hurt that they didn’t tell him that they were voting out Cedric in advance.
Brooklyn, meanwhile, has said in the hours following the nomination ceremony that she is mad that T’kor hasn’t spoken to her — even though Brooklyn was never the best ally to her, either. Makensy and Chelsie tend to think that she’s going to be okay, even though she probably won’t be with the vote in the current configuration.
In other news…
Makensy may have the worst reads of anyone in the game. She thinks that Angela is in the dark, and that T’kor / Kimo are riding coattails when they really made the last blindside happen. She’s also got a weird way of getting close to people when they are no real help to her at all.
Also, Joseph continues to be Tucker’s best friend. It’s mostly hilarious because of how performative this likely is for both parties.
Related – See some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including more on the AI Instigator power
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