Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2: The new focus

Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2
Photo: Prime Video

As you prepare yourselves for the launch of Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 later this month, are you feeling legitimate excitement? This is such an ambitious show, but it is also fair to mention that it is kicking things off at present in a somewhat strange place.

After all, go ahead and consider the following for a moment: It took some time for the first season to really get going. There was a lot of exposition the show had to blow through and so many characters to introduce. This is compounded by the reports that only a certain of percentage of people who started the show finished. However, the season 1 finale did leave the story in a great spot with the rise of Sauron, and that does appear to be a big part of what the focus will be coming up.

Want to know more? Well, speaking to British GQ, co-showrunner Patrick McKay definitely indicates that there is an easier opportunity to dive into stories this go-around:

“The first season was always going to be about the heroes and bringing the audience back to Middle-earth … Season two is about the villains. The chess board has been set; the game is now afoot.”

We do think that there will be increases to the pacing and the stakes almost from the jump this time around, and that should benefit the story greatly. You can argue that The Rings of Power really should have tried to blow through some of the introductions faster in season 1, but can they pay it all off this time around? Well, let’s just say that this is really the sort of stuff that at least for now, they really need to figure out. Hopefully, they already have.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power right now, including what else lies ahead via a new trailer

What are you most excited to see moving into Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2?

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