Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 5 nominations

After so much uncertainty lately within the Big Brother 26 house, is it weird to see a plan actually play out?
For most of today, it has been abundantly clear what Tucker wanted to as Head of Household, and the only real surprise was that Quinn, despite being a planned nominee, is not actually the target. He wanted to put him up alongside Brooklyn and Cam, with Brooklyn actually being the person to send out of the game. This is actually the best move on his part for appeasing most of his allies, given that Rubina, T’kor, and Kimo all feel burned by her, and it does not feel like anyone is going to fight too hard to keep her over the other nominees. Quinn could be perceived as a bigger competition threat, but Brooklyn is more influential within the game. She’s close to Chelsie and she’s also been working to recruit Makensy as of late.
So when the nomination ceremony ended earlier, it was far from a surprise to see these three on the block. Chelsie, meanwhile, is still available as a replacement nominee, and the only way things get a little wonky is if she ends up winning Veto and saving one of the nominees. If that happens Makensy goes up, but we’ve already seen that she is capable of winning the AI Arena.
In the immediate aftermath of the eviction we ended up seeing Brooklyn emotional, whereas a lot of the players speculated that this could be the final week of the AI Arena. It honestly is a surprise that the twist is even still happening at all! (We also saw T’kor check in with Quinn, who insisted he was doing okay.) Cam hasn’t been mentioned all that much since feeds came back, but we don’t think he’s worried; honestly, he hasn’t looked that worried about anything all season.
Related – Read more about the Big Brother 26 AI Instigator power
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