Big Brother 26: How does the BB AI Instigator work?

We knew entering tonight’s new episode of Big Brother 26 that we were going to be getting some more details on one important thing: The AI Instigator twist. What exactly was it?
Before the episode tonight, the primary thing that we knew was that America was going to be voting on someone to get a special power. (In other words, it’ll probably be Tucker based on audience popularity.)
Before we get to how the Instigator power actually works, let’s just say what we’d like it to be: Something that can theoretically help the player, but not on an overly aggressive level like the Deep Fake HoH, which was ridiculously overpowered based on how Quinn ended up getting it. We’d also like it to be entertaining for us as viewers more than anything, given that this is a TV show and that should really matter above all else.
Well, here is some of how the power is going to work. One person will get the power, where during the week they will cause chaos via misinformation courtesy of various avatars. It really feels like what the Deep Fake HoH could have been able to do — or, at least what was hyped!
So really, this is a power that will have no bearing on the game. If the Instigator does a good job, they can get money. For now, it mostly seems like this is just a way for a player to use the other avatars to cause some chaos.
As we said…
Tucker is the most likely person to get this power and honestly, if he doesn’t get it a lot of people in the house may think that it is him anyway. We honestly don’t have a big preference here one way or another, since most of the players will probably know this is all a trick. We really just want it to be funny.
Related – Get a few more thoughts on Big Brother 26, including the big eviction that happened tonight
What do you think about the BB AI Instigator power within Big Brother 26?
Go ahead and share your thoughts below, including who you actually want to see get the power! Once you do, keep coming back for more updates.