Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Is the vote flip secured? (day 31)

Tonight’s Big Brother 26 live eviction show could be full of complicated emotions, depending on what happens with the AI Arena.
After all, consider this: Cedric is a likable and genuine guy who has served our country and done a lot of impressive things at a young age. From a game standpoint, it stinks that there’s a chance his game could be over tonight. However, from an entertainment standpoint, this is the best-case scenario just because it would cause a ton of chaos … and it now feels as though it is very much locked into place.
When the feeds came back this afternoon, Kimo and T’kor reaffirmed that they are 100% taking out Cedric if he is on the block against Rubina after the Arena — and honestly, even if he’s not it still feels like the Collective era of the game is over. They’ve told enough people (take Joseph or Tucker) that their flip could be exposed down the line even if Cedric stays. Joseph has also been swayed enough that if the numbers are there, he will vote with them and does not want to be afraid.
The reality here is that Chelsie and Brooklyn in particular have become far too comfortable in their position of power, and you can see it in how they don’t even believe there is any danger of something weird happening in the game tonight. There also may not be another time to make this move, given that Cedric is more than capable of winning competitions. T’kor is coming around on trusting Tucker, and she recognizes that while he may be a comp beast, he’s hardly a mastermind at the game. He may not be as big of a threat as he even seems. (This is just our personal commentary, but we could see him making some people bitter and them not wanting to vote for him even if he makes it at the end.)
So now, you can almost lock this in: Either Makensy or Cedric is going tonight. Rubina seems to be 100% safe in all scenarios, and Quinn’s Deep Fake HoH reign could be an unholy mess.
Related – Learn more about why the flip is happening
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