Doctor Who season 15: Anita Dobson on Mrs. Flood mystery

We do recognize fully that there are a wide array of exciting stories ahead on Doctor Who season 15 that could be explored. However, there is one that absolutely stands out based on how season 14 ended: What exactly is Mrs. Flood really up to?
Without much hesitation, we can say with a certain measure of confidence that she is one of the bigger question marks given her various homages to past characters — plus, the implication that she is up to something sinister! What in the world is that? We’re sure that within the first handful of episodes in the new season, the picture will start to become at least a little bit clearer.
Speaking in a new interview with Doctor Who Magazine, Anita Dobson makes it clear what some of the conversations were like in regards to her big return next season:
“Russell T Davies called me into his office. It was scary! Like going to the headmaster. But I tootled in there and he was ever so nice. He said, ‘We want you to come back,’ and I said, ‘I’m very happy to.’ An immediate response: ‘Will you stay?’ ‘Of course I will.’ Then he said, ‘And now I’m going to tell you what Mrs Flood gets up to in Season 2…’
“He loves this show so much, and that’s what makes you want to be part of it. He’s lovely and encouraging, and always very jolly and excited, which is incredibly infectious, and these Season 2 scripts are fascinating, extraordinary pieces of writing.
“You have to understand the character’s psyche. Why does Mrs Flood behave this way? There has to be a reason. People very rarely flip on a moment. Even if they do, there’s usually something that made that happen. Trying to find that trigger is fascinating. I think, if I hadn’t been an actress, I would have been a therapist!”
This ultimately feels like one of those situations where once we know who the character truly is, the motives will start to become clear; however, the real challenge here is going from point A to point B. That is not going to be an altogether easy thing to do.
Related – Be sure to get some more discussion about when Doctor Who season 15 will premiere
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