Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: An uncertain eviction (day 31)

If you read some of our Big Brother 26 live feed updates from yesterday, you know that it was one of the most chaotic days of the season! So, are things going to be any different today?
Well, the funniest thing about much of yesterday is that a lot of it stemmed from mere hypotheticals. If Makensy is on the block after the AI Arena tonight, she almost certainly leaves the game. She does deserve some credit for trying to campaign and fight for her survival yesterday, but it really just feels like for whatever reason, she’s just not relating or connecting to the other people in the house. Even Leah talks smack about her behind her back!
For the sake of drama, tonight becomes infinitely more fun if Makensy wins the AI Arena and then we’re left with Rubina versus Cedric, which has been up in the air for over 24 hours and remains so this morning. Personally, we do think Rubina would go, and that’s just because house flips are so hard to pull off. Kimo seems to be eager to do it alongside Tucker, but the problem there is that T’kor has been extremely hesitant. She confirmed last night she does not want Tucker in jury, so the idea of working with him is not appetizing. Meanwhile, you also have other people like Joseph who won’t be eager to make a move without cover. It just doesn’t feel like there are a lot of bold players in here, and T’kor still has a lot of misplaced trust in both Chelsie and Brooklyn, though she realizes that they each have some other stuff going on.
If we were T’kor and Kimo, we’d make the move just because they are on the outside of the Pentagon and moving forward being at the bottom of the Collective is not too much a winning strategy. You are reliant on that group breaking up and you being left over. We also don’t think they did themselves a lot of favors acting like a clear duo and holding court yesterday, even though they are not obvious threats. Angela and Tucker are the biggest shields ever; them being in the game is helpful.
One little thing to note here is that seemingly, Angela can compete for HoH again, given that she really didn’t get to do anything with her power this time.
Related – Quinn cannot vote during tonight’s Big Brother 26 eviction
What do you most want to see when it comes to tonight’s Big Brother 26 eviction?
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