Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The voting scenarios (day 29)

As we do get prepared for the latest Big Brother 26 eviction on CBS this Thursday, why not take a look at where the votes stand? Today has been interesting for not just that, but also getting a sense of the larger picture of the game.
For those behind on the feeds, Tucker won the Veto and Rubina is the replacement nominee — meaning that either she, Makensy, or Cedric will leave the game soon. Technically, there are scenarios where all three of them could go, but some are more likely than others depending on who wins the AI Arena.
Makensy versus Rubina – Makensy goes pretty easily. Her biggest weakness in this game is really that she just doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the group. Nobody is willing to fight for her, and she is a bigger physical threat. There may be concerns about Rubina’s bonds with Tucker, but there are those within the Collective who don’t want her out yet.
Makensy versus Cedric – There may be a push among some to get Cedric out, but it won’t work. Tucker is not in as good a spot as he thinks and while he may be starting to figure it out, that doesn’t matter. Cedric has already been assured that he has the numbers.
Rubina versus Cedric – This is by far the most interesting, since it puts Kimo and T’kor in positions of great power. There are ten people voting and if they joined Tucker, Makensy, and Leah, Angela could break the tie. However (and as Joseph pointed out to Cedric tonight), they aren’t going to flip this early with the way in which they are playing the game — which is as passively as possible.
Tonight is a quiet night on feeds otherwise, though we do have further bonding happening between Tucker and Joseph, who clearly like each other and could actually get something going here long-term — or at the least, secretly hand off information.
Related – Learn more about the new AI Instigator twist
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