America’s Got Talent: Hakuna Matata acrobats get Golden Buzzer!

We did not have to wait until the end of tonight’s America’s Got Talent episode to see the first live show Golden Buzzer. Hakuna Matata got it!
At around the 9:15 p.m. Eastern mark of this particular episode, judge Sofia Vergara (who had the privilege of pushing it tonight) decided the acrobat group had done more than enough to earn it and honestly, we agree. Just look at what they brought to the table! This is exactly what you would hope to see from the contestants in the live shows — a performance that was stellar and honestly far superior to what we saw the first go-around from them. The tricks and stunts were dangerous, but also performed in a way that was also super-professional.
Also, we appreciate Sofia giving it to a group that may not have advanced otherwise. America’s Got Talent viewers have historically been well-known for favoring singers, animal acts, and magicians the vast majority of the time. Danger acts and acrobats are never anywhere near as much of a straight-up sell, and it is our hope moving forward that this will allow viewers to also embrace it more. Sure, there is a part of us that still feels like it’s giving the judges too much power at this point of the show and yet, what really matters is that America chooses the winner. We do still think that’s going to happen.
Now, let’s just hope that the rest of the judges also end up picking some worthy people with the Golden Buzzers so that the next phase of the competition ends up feeling stacked with a wide array of different and exciting people.
What did you think about Hakuna Matata getting the Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent tonight?
Do you think it was the right choice among the field? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates on the way.