Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Any campaigning yet? (day 28)

We will say that the AI Arena twist within the Big Brother 26 house has created some drama — take Tucker last week. However, at the same time it has led to an extreme lack of campaigning that has been pretty darn frustrating here and there.
With that, we are here to report that yet again, we’re not seeing a heck of a lot of discussion from the nominees in Rubina, Cedric, and Makensy as to what is going to happen — and this could still go either way. We do think the anti-Tucker crowd will want Rubina out just by association, but Makensy is still the bigger physical threat and if she’s on the block come Thursday night, she likely goes. If there is ever a chance for T’kor and Kimo to make a big decision that could alter their future, though, this is 100% it. It’s a huge week for them, but they also have not been able to make a decision all season long.
Now, here is one of the things that is a little bit crazy: Rather than even spending much time on the vote this week, a lot of people are already looking ahead. Brooklyn and Quinn, for example, seem to be doing everything that they can to prepare to beat Tucker in a potential wall competition. From there, the plan is to try and backdoor him if the AI Arena is gone from the show. He is still the biggest threat by far and that’s not changing.
Now, here is one of the things that we are the most curious about right now — if you are someone like a T’kor, a Leah, a Joseph, or a Kimo, can you take advantage of the fact that so much attention is being paid to Tucker? It may make some dominant players elsewhere more vulnerable.
Are you frustrated by the lack of campaigning going on right now in Big Brother 26?
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