Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Will Tucker actually Veto himself?

Are we in for a wild night on the Big Brother 26 live feeds? Let’s just go ahead and say this: It is Angela’s birthday … or is it?
Given that Angela is the queen of unintentional comedy with this show the vast majority of the time, we can’t be shocked that we are in this spot yet again. Tonight, production gave the houseguests booze and party supplies alongside a “Happy Birthday Angela” message … even though her birthday is not until Saturday. Did they screw this up? If so, it’s pretty funny.
Anyhow, we’ll have more time to discuss Angela’s birthday later, so let’s move instead to the big question regarding Tucker: Is he actually going to use his Power of Veto or not? At first, he was going to 100%. However, after conversations today and knowing that Rubina would be the replacement nominee, he’s struggling with it so much more. Angela begged for him to use it on himself earlier, but he’s never been known to listen that well.
The best reason for him to not use it is that he brings Rubina closer … but we honestly think she’s super-close to him already and that won’t change. There’s no legitimately good argument for him not to use it this time around, given that using it on Makensy would still mean Rubina goes on the block. Sure, if he wins AI Arena either Makensy or Cedric go home (probably Makensy) … but that’s a huge risk and he’s already taken it on a couple of occasions.
As for what else is going on tonight, T’kor and Kimo had a long talk about … well, basically nothing. They’ve talked about working with Tucker or telling Quinn the truth about Leah. They are incredibly smart with their reads, but they are currently in the running for the most passive players of all time.
Related – Be sure to look at another Big Brother 26 live-feed post from earlier today
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