Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Rubina learns the truth (day 27)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We knew that at some point today in the Big Brother 26 house, we were going to see Rubina learn that she would be hitting the block. That moment has now hit.

This afternoon, Quinn had a quick conversation with her where he indicated that she would be the replacement nominee after Tucker plays the Veto on himself tomorrow. his reasoning is pretty simple: She’s close to Tucker and if he can’t get him, this is the easiest option for him to make. She was understanding enough, and then after T’kor, Kimo, and Brooklyn all spoke to her — they all knew what was going to happen, but they still tried to act shocked after the fact.


Rubina, after being told the news, retreated to a room where she hyped herself up and strongly suggested that she is coming after Quinn moving forward — making yet another person who wants him gone. We already know how Angela and Tucker feel about him, and both of them are going to around for at least another week in the game.

Or, are they? Well, earlier today Tucker started hinting that he could use the Veto on Makensy, but he also said last night that he was going to do that to stir the pot a little bit — just to see what information got back to Quinn and others. Yet, is he serious now? Only time will tell. The problem is that if he uses the Veto on Makensy, Rubina goes up anyway and where’s the value in that? If he really wants to save her, he just shouldn’t use the Veto at all and then defeat his opponents in the AI Arena … that’s the big risk.

We’ll see what Tucker, master of chaos, decides to do — but he realizes that his time in the game is limited since so many people want him out.

Related Be sure to see more from the Big Brother 26 live feeds earlier in the day

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