Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Rubina’s threat level (day 27)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Are there any huge strategy talks on the docket today in Big Brother 26? It really depends on how bored all the players get.

On paper, it is easy to sit here and say that things are going to stay fairly quiet given that Tucker is not planning to use his Power of Veto. By virtue of that, Rubina will go on the block versus Makensy and Cedric. Quinn is planning to have that conversation with her later today, but Rubina already seems like she’s spiraling. Right now T’kor and Kimo have done a better job of fighting for her than she has fighting for herself.

Are there people out there concerned that she cares more about her relationship with Tucker than her own game? Sure, but we want to pause on some of that since we’ve barely seen any footage from the diary room with her talking about how she feels. She may just be struggling to find people to trust in general. The best thing she may be able to do here is not come across as a big threat and allow Makensy to have the bigger target. If she can win the AI Arena, great; if not, hope that Makensy loses it and she could end up being fine.

Ultimately, Rubina is not a threat to anyone and could even be used as a number within the larger Collective alliance; her only danger comes via the proximity to Tucker, who could also be useful to several players’ games.

A top story to follow

It is subtle right now, but there’s something brewing between Chelsie and Joseph. He realizes that she is in the best spot out of almost anyone, and she also seems to be aware that he could be up to something. They are two of the better players in the game right now, and this is why it’s smart for Joseph to try and massage his relationship with both Tucker and Angela, just in case he can use them for something later.

Related See more updates from this morning in the Big Brother 26 house

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