Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto aftermath

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

We knew that today’s Big Brother 26 Veto Competition to potentially radically change this week — and with the results in mind, that feels even clearer.

After all, consider the fact that Tucker won his second straight Veto! This time, he did it against people in Makensy and Cedric who were nominated for the sole purpose of there being some substantial competition for him to square off against. It didn’t matter. All of this is now leading to a big question here: Would Tucker actually use the Veto on himself? Odd as it may seem, this was actually not a guarantee…

Well, here’s the thing: It appears as though Tucker has learned from some of his ridiculous over the past couple of weeks. Granted, when he decided to stay on the block last week, he did so thinking that Quinn would be nominated. Things didn’t work out that way, and he didn’t listen when he was even warned to use it on himself. Things are different this time. He’s confirmed on multiple occasions that he will use the Veto, and Quinn will probably nominate Rubina. However, it does not seem based on conversations this afternoon like she is the person who will likely be sent out the door. Instead, that person could be Makensy, who is seen more as a competition threat.

However, we will say this: It does feel like some players are starting to get antsy, and Quinn in particular is someone who really cares about being thought about as some legend of the game. He can’t get rid of either Tucker or his other target in Angela, so it wouldn’t be a shock if he starts to overthink things.

Joseph starts playing harder

He may be low-key one of the best players this season. He’s gotten in with bigger groups, but is starting to sense where he stands within them and is making inroads elsewhere. Take tonight, when he had a lengthy chat with Tucker and Tucker exposed the Five Points alliance. He recognized that Brooklyn didn’t really mean it, mostly because Brooklyn didn’t cheer for him after the competition. He now recognizes that this is the perfect chance for him to navigate elsewhere.

Joseph is still a part of the Collective, but has deals on the side with the likes of Leah and now Tucker. He’s someone to watch.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn, Quinn, and some other players are now realizing that there may not be any sense in trying to convince Tucker to not play his Veto. They don’t want to do anything to tip him off on a larger alliance, and they also think that ship has sailed.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including more discussion on the Veto

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