Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The Guppies & Tucker plans

We have made it to the start of day 25 within Big Brother 26, and of course this one is going to almost certainly be a blast. There is really no way around it at this point!
Well, the first thing to know is that game-wise, not much matters for new Head of Household Angela. She is safe, but Quinn is going to take over her nominations and mostly everyone realizes that this is the case. He’s going to hold some meetings today, but his plan is to use his Deep Fake and then nominate Tucker, Rubina, and Makensy for eviction — in other words, doing the same predictable thing you would expect.
This morning, we heard Angela start to recite the rules for Quinn’s power before the feeds cut away, and she is clearly trying to figure out what to do. She wants to protect Tucker after he worked to save her, but there is really not that much she can do. She’s talked about going after Brooklyn, mostly because she views her as a big threat in the game … not that it matters, since she can’t do anything. (Brooklyn is upset about Angela picking her multiple times in the eliminator competition.)
As for what else happened overnight, Joseph formed a new alliance with T’kor and Kimo titled the Guppies, and it’s a good group given that the three of them all feel like locks for jury at this point. Tucker may still stay this week since he’ll have two opportunities to save himself potentially; however, we also wouldn’t be shocked if he won the Veto and then tried to save Rubina with it after the fact. Brooklyn has also just talked about backdooring him once the AI Arena is over, since that may be one of the only ways to get him out.
Related – Check out the latest Big Brother 26 live feed updates from last night
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