SEAL Team season 7: David Boreanaz on saying goodbye

In just a matter of days you are going to have a chance to see SEAL Team season 7 premiere — are you ready for the end of the road?
At this point, we will start by offering up our own answer: Personally, not so much in the sense that we’ll miss the stories. However, we can still understand the sentiment of star / executive producer David Boreanaz, who has stated on a number of occasions now that he felt like it was the right time to send his character of Jason Hayes off.
In a new interview with CBS Mornings (watch here), the actor explained how he came to the realization that it was time to say goodbye. Some of it may just come down to physicality on a certain level, as Jason is a really physical guy and there are a lot of inherent challenges that come with operating out in the field. There is only so long that men and women can operate in real life, and some of that may be reflected in playing the part. This season is going to offer up a lot of closure presumably for everyone, and we are excited to see it.
Are we nervous at the same time? You better believe it, largely due to the fact that the series showed with Clay that they have no issue killing people off if the situation comes down to it. There may be some tragedy still to come, but we hope that there will be, at the same time, stories that are about finding the light and giving hope to some other people out there. This show does try to reflect what a lot of real-life operators go through, both in terms of the missions in the field and then also what it’s like for them back home.
Related – Get some more news on the SEAL Team premiere, and everything that you’re going to be seeing!
What are you going to miss when it comes to the SEAL Team season 7 premiere?
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