Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Quinn’s power & the eviction vote

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Today in the Big Brother 26 house continues to be strange, mostly when it comes to the ambiguity towards what is going to happen tomorrow night. At this time last week, we knew that Lisa was a goner if she did not win the AI Arena. Right now, it honestly feels like anything could happen with America’s Veto in play … at least to an extent.

After all, this afternoon Brooklyn insisted to Leah that she would not vote out whoever America picks as the re-nom … and both Leah and Quinn each verified that they wouldn’t, either. They could all be lying through their teeth, but the incentive to get Quinn out in particular is not necessarily sky-high. Sure, he has that Deep Fake HoH power, but it also feels like it’s pretty clear what he could do with it. If Tucker’s still around, he is an easy nominee. Meanwhile, Angela and/or Kenney could be, as well. Quinn confirmed to them that he would also control the replacement nominee and that he’s probably going to use it.

For those wondering if Kenney has done any campaigning at this point, the simple answer is no — as a matter of fact, it just feels like he’s annoying everyone with his inaction. Let’s say that Kenney and Tucker are up there come the time of the eviction — it really comes down to keeping someone who wants to play or keeping someone who is easier to beat. Sure, Kenney may still try in competitions, but his attitude overall stinks and that has to be draining on the house. When he goes, at least the competitiveness of the game goes up!

(Remember this — even if you don’t like Angela at all, it is impossible to argue against whether or not she actually wants to be there. The answer to that is pretty darn clear.)

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 right now, including a special episode coming up

Do you think Quinn should go on Big Brother 26 if nominated?

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