SEAL Team season 7 spoilers: David Boreanaz on emotional arcs

SEAL Team season 7
Photo: Paramount+

We know that the premiere of SEAL Team season 7 is coming to Paramount+ in just a handful of days and at this point, we’re prepared to get emotional throughout the entire thing. How can we not? It’s been an incredible journey that has gone on for several years, and one that told a pretty unique story within the broader TV landscape. Few other shows capture the rigors of active-duty military, and we’ve seen everything from triumph to tragedy.

Moving into the new season, legacy is going to be a big part of the narrative. After all, Jason Hayes and all of Bravo have to start thinking more and more about their future after doing this job for so many years, and that could lead to a lot of challenges and reflections. Can Jason be anything else if he is not operating? It is a valid question.

Of course, David Boreanaz himself is not going to share any significant spoilers on any of this right now. However, he did tell TVLine that in the early going, things could get pretty tear-inducing before we get into the action and the intensity:

It’s very emotional and introspective in the first half; I would say the balance comes in the back half. That’s not to say there’s more action in the back end than the front, but we build to it. In the first episode, you feel the emotion, and that develops into Episode 2, where we see the major impact of the saving of somebody in a situation they find themselves in. That moment in Episode 2 catapults us into the heavy front stuff, which then makes its way into the back end — and that’s where it gets crazy.

Anything could happen within these final episodes, and that includes the death of Jason Hayes. We don’t want that, but have to be prepared for anything.

Related See more thoughts now entering the SEAL Team season 7 premiere

What are you the most eager to see moving into SEAL Team season 7?

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