Gen V season 2 spoilers: First look at new Dean Cipher!

For those who have not heard yet for whatever reason, Gen V season 2 is actively in production, and there is so much to prepare for! After all, remember here that we’re going to be seeing our first look at what is effectively the new-world order after superheroes have been deputized by the United States government. Life is infinitely more dangerous now, but how much will Godolkin University go on as though nothing happened?
While there are a number of things that 100% do need to be worked out, at least one thing is clear at present: We are going to be getting a new dean! He is played by Hamish Linklater, and the character is named Cipher. Based on his official description, he is “the charismatic and charming newly-appointed Dean of Godolkin University. Trained as a scientist, he’s politically brilliant, and has the trust and admiration of officials at the highest level.” When you think about all of this, it does feel like he is going to be fiercely aligned with Homelander and Vought’s current regime — will it be out of loyalty or a mere lust for power? This is where the mystery lies.
What we can at least say is that if you head over to the show’s official Instagram now, you can see a quick look at the character. He looks somewhat curious in the image, and not necessarily someone who will be 100% a tyrant at the university. Then again, looks can be deceiving!
If you remember back to season 1, a good bit of God U was just a cover-up for a lot of experiments that were going on at the Woods. It is easy to sit back and assume that moving into the next chapter of the story, we are going to see once again instances of some of these characters being used, effectively, as lab rats for a larger mission.
Is there anything that you are the most excited to see moving into Gen V season 2 on Prime Video?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.