Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Distrust & more Tucker chaos

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

If there is anything that we should do at the start of this Big Brother 26 update, it is issue a giant thank-you to Tucker. Why? Well, for starters, the man played has played this game hard. Sure, he’s also made some truly insane moves that could lead to his downfall, but we’ve had a good time along the way.

For those show missed it, here is where things currently stand. Tucker actually used his Veto on Angela, meaning that she is now safe and he is still in danger. Cedric nominated Makensy alongside Tucker and Kenney, but she has since played America’s Veto. That means the public will choose a replacement nominee on Wednesday and that could go in all directions. Given that Tucker desperately wanted Quinn on the block, Quinn being put up would be the funniest option; yet, at the same time this is going to really be based on casual fans and they’re the hardest to read for the most part.

What we can say is that ever since the Veto Ceremony, there has been a LOT of mess. Tucker is a clear target for Cedric, and there is a sentiment that if it ends up being him versus Kenney after AI Arena, he could be booted from the game. He does have Rubina and others in his corner, and he really just has to hope that he can be seen as more of a friend to the women than Kenney. It’s really his only hope if that scenario lands. If it’s Tucker versus Quinn after the Arena, if Quinn gets nominated, things get juicy. Everyone assumes now that Quinn is going to play his Deep Fake HoH, so that could hurt his case of staying.

Where things get messier is that there are hurt feelings all over the place. T’kor is disappointed at Quinn for not being told about the power, but just as much at Kimo, since he knew and acted like he didn’t. Meanwhile, Tucker is stirring the pot by noting that Cedric was far more aware of the Veto plan that he was letting on, and Both Leah and Angela have both (whether it be overtly or subtly) thrown Quinn under the bus to Cedric, suggesting that he may have made a bad choice not going through with his plan. Everyone is playing SO much harder than before today and it’s great.

Also, there’s no way Cedric comes out of this unscathed now, since he (like so many others) are being exposed for a million alliances.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including what we said post-Veto Ceremony

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