The Bachelorette episode 5 promo: Is someone leaving?
As we do prepare to see The Bachelorette episode 5 on ABC Monday night, it is clear that one major cliffhanger is taking center stage. We are talking here (of course) about the arrival of Jenn Tran’s ex Matt Rossi, who seems eager to reconnect and be a part of the process — provided that she wants that.
Before we go a little bit further into this, does anyone else think that Matt isn’t necessarily some villain for this? He doesn’t come across as mean-spirited, and Jenn herself makes a clear point of noting that they still have some sort of connection to each other — even if it’s not a romantic one and hasn’t been for a while. He is not the person she has suggested was absolutely awful to hear in the past.
Now that we’ve said that, it is abundantly clear that a LOT of the men on this season are going to freak out over Matt being there — and we even have further proof of it! If you head over to the link here, you can see via a new promo some of what we’re talking about here. It features Sam M. making a particularly aggro statement about the arrival out of frustration, and then you see one other man seemingly threaten to quit. Will this happen? Is all of this out of context? Well, we know that everyone loves to have opinions about this, that, or the other thing.
What really matters here is that despite whatever sort of dramatic opinions are out there entering this episode, we honestly don’t think that Matt is actually going to be sticking around. We’ve seen instances of this before, one where the lead things about it before ultimately deciding that they are better off not rocking the boat.
Related – Be sure to learn more now about The Bachelorette episode 5, including official details via ABC
What do you think that Matt’s arrival is really going to signal entering The Bachelorette episode 5?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.