Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 3?

Heading into the week 3 Power of Veto Competition within the Big Brother 26 house, we honestly felt there were more exciting scenarios than we’ve had all season long.
After all, consider some of the following! Head of Household Cedric was joined in the competition by the likes of his nominees (Angela, Kenney, and Tucker) and then Leah and Makensy. If the nominations stay the same and Tucker wins AI Arena, it would be curious to see who the players would evict on Thursday between the two. Meanwhile, if Makensy wins, it would guarantee that she would be able to hold onto her America’s Veto power until week 4 — a dangerous proposition for the rest of the house. There is a case to be made that if someone wins the Veto, put Makensy up and force her to flush the power out now. Then, you have to hope America doesn’t do anything too crazy.
So what actually happened with the Veto? Tucker has it! Chelsie confirmed it in a conversation with us, where she noted that getting him out of the game is going to be pretty tough. He has become more of a threat but at the same time, him willing to go on the block is an asset for a lot of people who don’t want to be stuck doing that right away.
Based on what Chelsie told us, the likely replacement nominees are going to be either Rubina or Leah and if it’s Leah, Chelsie thinks there is a good chance that she could be taken out of the game. She doesn’t believe that Angela’s going to go, which makes sense given that Kenney is there and if he’s on the block come eviction night, he’ll probably ask to be sent out of the game. It looks like the competition was safari or jungle-themed based on the outfits everyone was wearing, but we’ll have more to share on that later on.
Related – See more information from the Big Brother 26 house from earlier now
What were you hoping to see happen in the Big Brother 26 Veto Competition today?
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