Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Nomination aftermath (day 18)

As we get close to the end of day 18 within the Big Brother 26 house, we’re really just sitting back, begging some of the players to do something … anything.
After all, think about what we are getting at the moment! Head of Household Cedric made what was probably the right move for his game in nominating the likes of Kenny, Angela, and Tucker for eviction, but it was also a terrible move for all of us watching at home. There’s no drama or spiciness here, and everyone just more or less accepts where they are and are waiting until Veto. The conventional wisdom now is that everyone is just waiting for Angela and Kenney to go so the craziness can begin, but even when that happens, we still have some concerns. After all, remember that Leah and Makensy could then just be picked off, leaving us with an uneventful next few weeks.
With all of this in mind, we’re really hoping that someone on the block wins the Veto and uses it — we’d say that is a given, but not with Kenney up there. Cedric did talk tonight about nominating Leah if he had to, though he also has concerns about Makensy and her power. Makensy, meanwhile, suspects that she may not be nominated so that she doesn’t have a chance to win the Veto, which could then force her to use the power at the Veto Ceremony.
We should also note that Chelsie would actually like to see Leah gone this week, even though that feels doubtful. She is a concern in that she can get guys to fight for her in the house, but where are the votes for her to leave over an Angela or a Kenney? She’d be on the block against one of them most likely. (We should say the target here is a little fluid for now — Angela’s harder to live with but if Kenney asks to be evicted, they may honor that.)
Related – See more Big Brother 26 updates from earlier today, including why Tucker volunteered to go up
What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother 26 house tomorrow?
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