Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Tucker volunteers (again)

We’re now several hours into day 18 of Big Brother 26, and one thing is absolutely the same as it has been as of late. As it turns out, we are seeing yet another ho-hum week when it comes to nominations.
In our earlier piece this morning, we confirmed that Head of Household Cedric planned to nominate both Angela and Kenney for eviction. What you have here is someone who most of the house wants out, and then someone who actually wants to leave the game but doesn’t want to directly quit in order for it to happen. (Our sentiment is that he either doesn’t want to be viewed as a quitter, or face some of the ramifications that can come from walking out the house himself.) There is a chance that the players just hilariously string this guy along for a long time because they technically can.
The real mystery for a while has been who the third nominee would be, largely because there were no immediate volunteers and Joseph said no to the idea of going up there. Once that happened, Cedric was at a loss as to what to do. This is why he is somewhat lucky that Tucker just volunteered for the second straight week.
Why did he do that? Well, the simplest answer is that Cedric was planning to use Rubina as a pawn and he didn’t want that — Tucker really likes Rubina. It’s not exactly a showmance, but there is some real affection that’s there and this is his way of ensuring she is okay. Also, it’s clear that Tucker could easily win the Veto at this point, so he could end up being safe before having to even worry about the AI Arena.
Also, this is where we should mention that even if Kenney ends up winning the Veto, he’s talked about not using it so that Cedric does not have to nominate anyone else. (Seeing this guy last over other people is at this point maddening.)
Related – Here is where to see some of Lisa’s goodbye messages
Do you think Tucker volunteering on Big Brother 26 to be a pawn will come back to bite him?
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