Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Lisa’s last stand? (day 17)

Tonight on Big Brother 26 you are going to see the latest eviction show arrive — so who will end up being evicted? On paper, you can easily argue that it is Lisa, but this is where things do start to get a little bit tricky, all things considered.
First and foremost, remember the fact that Lisa may not go tonight if she wins the AI Arena, and she is already trying to manifest some sort of win tonight. We’ve seen her prepare and while she’s ridiculous and over-the-top, she also does bring the entertainment. It’s part of the reason why the show misses something if she goes. If she does win, then you end up seeing Angela be booted from the game. Tucker may be acting paranoid this afternoon, but he’s fine — he may be a physical threat, but very few of the competitions so far this season have been incredibly physical in nature.
We’ll go ahead and admit now that we do have a ridiculous dream scenario for the show tonight that involves Kenney self-evicting. This is a guy who was looking at the rulebook earlier, and then said later unprompted what he wouldn’t give to be on the block. He won the Veto! Why is he even saying this? It almost does feel like he wants to quit, but the problem is that in doing so, there are some benefits that you may lose that come with being a part of the game. (We can’t confirm specifically with Big Brother, but on many reality shows, you can lose your stipend if you quit.) It clearly feels like he wants to be evicted without doing anything that necessarily constitutes a quit, which is probably harder to do than it sounds.
So unless Kenney really wants to do something crazy and CBS lets him, we’re preparing for Lisa and Angela to leave the game tonight. We’ll of course have more as it happens.
What do you want to see on tonight’s new Big Brother 26 episode?
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