Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Planning future targets (day 16)

As day 16 comes to a close within the Big Brother 26 house, do you want to get a better sense of what’s going to happen?
Well, let’s just start things off by noting the following here: Tucker, Angela, and Lisa are all still on the block. Of the three, it is pretty clearly Lisa who is the target if she remains there. If she wins the AI Arena, meanwhile, things shift to Angela — the only person who has really done any major campaigning. Lisa doesn’t seem worried, mostly just because she knows that there are people who want Angela gone … but she’s not seeing the forest through the trees here.
The interesting thing is that even with all of the various things that we’ve seen Angela do so far this season, she is not even the #1 target for some people even if she stays. T’kor and Kimo have already looked a little bit more at Makensy as a threat because of her power and their desire to at least flush it out. Angela’s biggest asset is just that she could be a target at any point and it is easy to bring her along for now.
Meanwhile, Kimo and T’kor continue to entertain an alliance with Quinn, Rubina, Chelsie, and Tucker, which feels like long-term may be one of the most interesting groups to watch. There are also different permutations here given that Chelsie and Rubina are both close with Cedric, Quinn has bonds everywhere, and in particular, Quinn / T’kor / Kimo is a possible final three. The other thing to watch tomorrow is at this point simple: Angela knowing about Quinn’s power. She is going to flush it out at some point, and it is really a matter of trying to figure out when and how to make that happen.
What do you most want to see moving into day 17 in the Big Brother 26 house?
Who do you want to see evicted? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.