Claim to Fame season 3: Is Danny related to Jelly Roll?

Is Danny related to Jelly Roll on Claim to Fame season 3? This is something that has been subject of speculation for a while.
With that being said, you can also argue easily that this guy has done a good job of being very-much hard to read. He has intentionally played into certain ideas about who he is, including that he may be related to a professional wrestler. He’s tried to throw people off at every turn, including during the lie detector test! Yet, the Jelly Roll guess has very much still been floating around out there … so how much truth is there to it really?
Well, the simplest answer we can give you is that no, Danny is not related to the rising-star singer, and nor is he seemingly related to a wrestler. A lot of the scuttlebutt online is that he is related to singer Marc Anthony, and that he is using a fake name to also throw people off the scent more. If Danny can stay out of the Guess-Off, he is a serious contender throughout this show! Like a lot of other people, he is going to be an extremely hard guy to guess.
Now, here is the good news for Danny — it really does not feel like there is anything that is pushing trouble in his direction right now. This is someone who was not in any danger at all tonight! Nobody seemed to be suspecting anything of him and with that in mind, he can breathe easy — at least for tonight. This is a problem that could surface for him later this season, especially since it feels so unpredictable from top to bottom. Just when you think you know how things are going to go, the producers do find a way to surprise you even still.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next Claim to Fame episode
Who do you think Danny is related to on Claim to Fame season 3?
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