Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The takes of Tucker (day 15)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Is there entertainment to be had this week in Big Brother 26? Absolutely and yet, there are also reasons to complain. What is with the strategy this season … or lack thereof?

At this point, let’s start by noting that the AI Arena twist may be a dud already, just two weeks into the game. It might be stifling campaigning big-time, unless you want to argue that this is more of a symptom of the specific people who are on the block at present. Lisa and Angela are the two in danger, and neither of them qualifies as a traditional player by any means. Lisa seems to be the main target and yet, Angela could get herself in more trouble with how she’s mocking Lisa within the game and stirring up trouble. She’s also out for Quinn and the more public she gets with that, the more likely it is that she could get voted out.

So with there being so little when it comes to coherent strategy to discuss at the moment, we are stuck looking more at some other subjects at present. Take, for starters, what could be happening when it comes to Tucker within the game. He’s an extremely entertaining character who finds himself getting too distracted with things other than strategy. Take his hatred of Lisa, or the latest in the most bizarre “showmance” situation in the game.

Here is how we can describe it: Both Quinn and Cam like Leah on some level, but Leah already let Quinn down easy. She’s strung Cam along to some degree while also crushing on Tucker, who is not interested in her. Instead, he seems to have an interest in Rubina, who has actually cuddled more with Cedric for most of the late afternoon. That seems to be innocent more so than anything, but it happened right in front of Tucker. This isn’t a love triangle or a love square; it’s hard to know what game it is.

If Lisa goes this week, Tucker will need to find someone knew to hate within the game — for now, it seems to be either Leah or Makensy. These two, alongside whoever survives between Lisa and Angela, will be the most likely targets from here … but can someone please start to get the gametalk going again? We’d certainly appreciate that.

Related See more in terms of our Big Brother 26 updates from earlier

What do you think is going to happen after this week in Big Brother 26?

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